Friday, January 28, 2011


clate absolutely LOVES his little brother and wants to take care of him all the time. he hates to hear him cry and gets all worked up when i let him cry for even a few minutes. he loves to hold him and talk to him and sing to him. he talks about playing soccer and baseball with him when he gets bigger, and teaching him to ski. he's a wonderful big brother, and thomas is very lucky to have him.


Toni said...

Those are adorable pictures! I am so glad that Clate has a little friend in the family! Sometimes I worry about poor little Momo being the only girl.

Jim and Diane Jaspersen said...

Cute! that's fun you have 2 boys and 2 girls!! I love these pics with Clate holding Thomas. Love the one of his little toes!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kari! These pictures are so cute. Congratulations!! Exciting to read your news of just a year and then settling down. We wish it was to Boise but are excited for you!

Alison said...

Kari! He is adorable! Congratulations! You have such a beautiful and sweet little family. So fun to see pictures and catch up on what you guys are doing!

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