Saturday, September 3, 2011


T is FINALLY (at 8 months old) sleeping through the night, 7:30 PM to 7:30 AM (about). It's been going on now for two weeks or so and I feel like a new woman! I love it. When I wake up in the morning, I actually feel rested. I forgot how that felt! I almost don't know what to do with myself all day. I sure hope he keeps this sure is about time!


dannyhaley said...

I am so jealous, he is sleeping well, but so happy for you! My little girl is a terrible sleeper. He is so dang cute. We miss you guys. Hope you are doing good.

Nicole said...

i'm seriously blown away with how much i can get done in a day when i start sleeping again!! congrats!! :) he is super cute!

Jim and Diane Jaspersen said...

what a cute little guy!!!