Sunday, August 16, 2009

What the kids pick up on...

Last week as I was preparing dinner, Clate and Halle were playing; Clate was the dad, and Halle was the mom. They were pretending to be on the phone talking to each other...and this is how their conversation went:
Halle: "Hi, are you coming home?"
Clate: "Yep, I'll be there in a little while."
Halle: "Okay, I'll wait for you."
Clate: "Watch for me out the window, okay?"
Halle: "I can't wait to see you. I love you!"
Clate: "I love you too. See you in a minute."

As this was going on, I thought, "Oh, how cute...they are mimicking my conversations with Adam." Part of me was proud that they seemed to pick up on the positive things they hear. Then the conversation continued.

Halle: "When you get home, we'll play, okay?"
Clate: "We can play for just a minute, but then I have to go in my office and work some more."

That's when I knew...they pick up on EVERYTHING! Not that Adam having to go back to work when he returns home is a bad thing...but just kind of funny that Clate picked up on even that.

I told Adam about this conversation when he got home and we all laughed!

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